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All I Want for Christmas...

So this morning I got super annoyed with my husband (I wonder how many entries will start this way?)

We were talking about Christmas, and he asked what I wanted. Suspicious, because he’s not a planner, but I guess weirder things have happened. Anyways, I couldn’t think of ONE thing that I would want that isn’t baby or house related. He, of course, knows exactly what he wants (which is fine, saves me some time!). But the point is…he has actual HOBBIES. Like things that aren’t related to being a parent or a husband. Things that he liked before we met and still does. Bizarre, right?!?!

Turns out, it’s not. A quick poll of my girlfriends revealed a shocking truth: we’re apparently all super boring. Not one hobby, pass time, talent, sport or interest among us. Why does this happen to women and not to men?? I could go on for several pages about the mental burden that women shoulder vs men, even in ‘equitable’ households. But there are lots of blogs and articles about that already. Instead of spending more time reading about it, I propose this: spend some time thinking about YOU. Who are you, besides mama? What do you like to do? Are your pre-baby interests still things that you’d love to do if you had the time, or are there new things you want to try?

Spend a few minutes fantasizing about it…..and then snap out of it. Because someone just shit themselves and needs a new diaper. Or, you have to plan dinner while on a conference call. Also, send that report to your boss that she asked for, and start a load of laundry while you’re at it (pandemic parenting/working from home is so great, right?).

The point is, when I think about it, part of me is surprised and disappointed at myself for succumbing to motherhood like a 1950s housewife, instead of ‘having it all’, like we are supposed to nowadays. But the bigger part recognizes that the all consuming aspect of this Mama gig is fleeting. I’ll always be a mom but they won’t always need or want me the way they do now.

So for now, I’m gonna tie my greasy hair back, put on a fresh pair of stretchy pants, and go paint a pumpkin with my boobs out (breastfeeding an infant and entertaining a toddler at the same time is FUN).

Oh, and coming back to the reason I’m pissed at my better half…not because he is still him and I’m just boring Mama, that just makes me jealous. But because when I told him that, he actually said “That’s so sad!”, like I’m some pathetic loser, which I’m NOT! Except I kinda am, but one that’s not depressed and has come to terms with having no identity, you know?? Anyways, he better think of an awesome Christmas present, something even I don’t know that I want, but that I actually really want. Good luck babe xox

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